Welcome to my journal. My aim is to inspire, inform and guide you to live with intention. I love to share information and hope my musings on life, yoga, wellbeing and everything else will brighten your day, make you think, create a positive habit or spark some new ideas…
How To Do More Of What You Love
The worst of winter is over and the spring energy is rising, which means that we're getting restless to get out and get going! Busier lives means that it's harder to do more of what you love. So I'd like to share one simple practice that helps me prioritise the things (and people) I most care about…
5 Questions To Ask Yourself
Our minds are one of the busiest places in the universe. Around 70,000 separate thoughts scurry through our heads every single day. This sensory overload means we can have difficulty working out what we're actually experiencing. Here are 5 Questions To Ask yourself to help alleviate anxiety and restore peace.
Five Low Lift Ways To Lift A Low Mood
I do my utmost to avoid the news but sometimes world events can leave me feeling a bit rocked or unstable. We can’t control what goes on on the outside world, but we can control some things within our own inside world. Here are my five low-lift (and research based) go-to’s to lift my mood and help improve my emotional outlook…
Why I Shut It
Are you a good sleeper? I know I'm lucky in that I generally get a great night's kip. I do my best to stick to my sleep hygiene routine, but in recent years I've upped my game. Here’s why I tape my mouth shut before I go to sleep…
Prioritise These
From Donna Ashworth’s To The Women……Don’t prioritise your looks my friend, they won’t last the journey. Your sense of humour though, will only get better. Your intuition will grow and expand like a majestic cloak of wisdom….
Why I Journal
Writing things down helps me to arrive at what I think. For me, there's a specific alchemy that happens when I put pen to paper - whether it's making a list or writing whatever comes to mind without any censorship….
Reflections Not Resolutions
My days of setting traditional New Year resolutions are long gone, but I do like to take time to reflect on the past year and get clarity for the year ahead. I enjoy looking back and seeing what worked and what didn't, and then using that to create a reset for any areas that might need shifting or sprucing up. Here are my favourite simple prompts.
Affirmations For Transformation
The word affirmation stems from the Latin word affirmare, meaning “to make steady, strengthen.” When we repeatedly recite a phrase to ourselves, we’re actively changing the thoughts we want our minds think. Affirmation is a great way to effect change, which is why we often use them in class - especially in restorative practices when our mind is particularly receptive. The keys to creating the most effective affirmations are….
Four Ways To Optimise Immunity
Whilst our immune sysyem is our first line of defence against viruses and bacteria, it's also intrinsically linked to other aspects of our health such as sleep, mood, energy, digestion, recovery, reproductive health and more. Food, exercise, sleep and supplements can all support our immunity, so here are four tips for giving your immune system a helping hand.
Seven Ways To Say No
I was chatting with friends at the weekend and the topic of people pleasing came up. A suprising number of us find it hard to set guilt-free boundaries - we say 'yes' to things we'd rather not do. So here, in a nutshell, are Seven Ways To Say No…
9 Things You Need To Hear Today
I find so much great inspiration on Instagram and recently started following @wetheurban for their uplifting posts. One format they repeat regularly is Nine Things You Need To Hear Today. So I’ve pinched their excellent idea and am offering my own version to you…
8 Secrets To A (Fairly) Fulfilled Life
The advice we don't want to hear is often the advice we need. I saw this sketchnote by @scriberian on Instagram and it resonated with me. I especially like 'The capacity to tolerate minor discomfort is a superpower', read on to discover the other seven!
5 Top Tips For Sticking To New Habits
To me, Autumn has always felt like a better time than January to bring in fresh, healthier habits after the (albeit lovely) casual eating, drinking and laid back sociability of summer.Speaking of new habits, deciding what you want to do is the easy bit - the tough part is sticking to them! Read on to discover my tips on how to stick to positive habits that ANYONE (yes I'm looking at you!) can use….
60 Life Lessons I’ve Learned In 60 Years
I turned 60 last month and although it didn't quite go to plan, I had a lot of time to think about what I've accomplished, life lessons learned and those I'm still learning! It was good to look back, take stock and look forward and think about how I want life to look in the coming decade. I've lived a very full life with many ups and downs. So with that in mind and in no particular order, here are 60 life lessons I've learned in 60 years.
Break Free From The Busy Bandwagon
As we rumble back towards soon to be busier lives, how can we break free from the busy bandwagon and prioritise what holds real meaning and joy for us, whilst also leaving room for spontaneity and rest? It's a question I've been pondering and here's what I've found works for me....
My Go-To Breakfast & Foolproof Granola Recipe
Call me a creature of habit, but I’ve eaten the exact same breakfast every day since for the last fifteen months. It started with a smoothie bowl at the Little Ganesha cafe in Goa, one mouthful and I was hooked!
My Self Care Golden Ticket
Certain simple, consistent practices are my golden ticket to emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.
Here’s what I’m filling myself up with daily for those times when I need some inner back up…
You Are The Sky, Everything Else Is Just The Weather
I was reminded last week of this quote by Pema Chodron. She is a Buddhist nun, teacher of meditation and author of many wonderful books…
Have You Got The Wrong Idea?
Gratitude. Joy. Love. Peace. It's easy to assume that yoga is always meant to be a feel-good experience that guides us to inner bliss, to an eternally unruffled, untroubled disposition. But it's naive to think that yoga is all unicorns and rainbows…
Are You On This Rollercoaster?
Wow! It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride for me these last few weeks. Some days I feel bright as a button, full of energy and ready to roll. Other days - seemingly out of nowhere - I simply want to get back into bed, pull the duvet over my head and stay there. Are you feeling that too? We all need super simple tools that we can pull out..