Are You On This Rollercoaster?

Wow! It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride for me these last few weeks. Some days I feel bright as a button, full of energy and ready to roll. Other days - seemingly out of nowhere - I simply want to get back into bed, pull the duvet over my head and stay there. Are you feeling that too?

We all need super simple tools that we can pull out of our toolbox when our emotional balance gets out of whack. So here are a few easy, accessible suggestions:

1. Breathe slowly. A slower pace of breath helps us regulate our emotions and reduces stress. Inhale and exhale through the nose for a slow count of 6. Do it at your desk, while you're driving - any time you remember. Start with two minutes and build up. Just breathe.

2. Get moving. Movement changes your brain. Whether it's heading out for a brisk walk or getting on your mat, it shifts your mood and changes your energy. A Dynamic Flow from the online library, building flexibility, strength and balance, will improve your mindset and help pull you out of self sabotaging habits.

3. Slow down and check in. Simply stop what you're doing and make an active decision to check in. Lie down and watch the sky. Stop on your walk to look at the trees. Listening in, paying close attention to sensations in your body, your position in space, the flow of your breath - will all lead you to a better sense of yourself. The meditative movement of a Mindful Flow practice will cultivate your ability to pay attention to what is happening NOW, expanding your self awareness and creating positive thought patterns.

4. Rest is as important as action. We live in a high speed world. A place of hyper arousal where we're bombarded by huge amounts of information (usually via a screen) every day. This, coupled with staying in the same position for hours, can leave us feeling tired but wired. It's important to learn to rest fully (not the same as zoning out in front of Netflix!) and give it as much, if not more, priority than action. Restorative classes are a delicious way to do exactly that. Settling into props allows your muscles to release their contracted patterns and bring yourself back into much needed balance.

What other tools do you use to get back into balance?


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