Welcome to my journal. My aim is to inspire, inform and guide you to live with intention. I love to share information and hope my musings on life, yoga, wellbeing and everything else will brighten your day, make you think, create a positive habit or spark some new ideas…
Get The Best From The Library
I’d always had the idea of creating an online resource where you’d be able to choose your class according how much time you had and how you felt. That idea became a reality and your Members’ Library now has more than 600 practices. Here are some ways to get the best from the Library….
Why It’s Good To Slow Our Flow
A fast flowing yoga practice can feel amazing - especially afterwards 😉. But going slow can feel like coming home….
What’s So Special About 108?
If you’re a seasoned yogi, you’ll have heard mention of the number 108. But what it so special about it? To be honest it depends who you ask and you could probably make a list of 108 reasons why this number has been revered for thousands of years. Here’s a handful to give you food for thought….
7 Ways To Improve Your Online Practice
What you practise on the mat has such a knock on effect in all areas of your life. It helps you be kinder to yourself (and also to others!) and to shift your energy and attention to what’s important. Living with intention is a game changer.
So how can you make your online practice a non-negotiable, nourishing and fulfilling experience?
Is Restorative Yoga Just A Big Snooze?
Most of us think of restorative yoga as a yummy, relaxing practice—a respite when we’re tired, injured, or simply want to chill out. Whilst all this is true, restorative yoga is also an advanced practice that…
Is This Difficult For You?
In today’s busy and anxious world, the best litmus test for our health (and our immunity) isn’t about how deep our splits are or how long we can stand on our heads, but rather how much we can simply lay on the floor and relax…
Have You Got The Wrong Idea?
Gratitude. Joy. Love. Peace. It's easy to assume that yoga is always meant to be a feel-good experience that guides us to inner bliss, to an eternally unruffled, untroubled disposition. But it's naive to think that yoga is all unicorns and rainbows…
Are You On This Rollercoaster?
Wow! It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride for me these last few weeks. Some days I feel bright as a button, full of energy and ready to roll. Other days - seemingly out of nowhere - I simply want to get back into bed, pull the duvet over my head and stay there. Are you feeling that too? We all need super simple tools that we can pull out..
My Top 10 Spiritual Reads
Gosh this was a tough one – let’s hope I never get asked to go on Desert Island Discs! I’ve been reading spiritual books for around 25 years now so here, in no particular order, is my current top ten – the ones that never fail to uplift, inspire and encourage me to live my life like I mean it!
Maximalist Or Minimalist?
I've always been an avid reader and frequently have multiple books on the go - see the small selection above (and that doesn't include the pile next to my bed!). I'm always reading a novel, but if it's not gripping me then there'll be at least one more I've got going at the same time…
Why Yoga Is So Damn Good For Your Brain
Freedom of movement keeps you feeling young! Much of the juicy goodness of yoga comes from basic increased flexibility of muscles and loosening of connective tissue around the joints – and you can get that from a really simple practice…
One Day I Want To Look Like This
So tomorrow sees me start my 60th revolution around the sun (just to be clear, that means I'll be 59 - it's not the real big one just yet!). And, in the words of David Byrne, I do indeed ask myself, 'Well, how did I get here'…
Eight Yoga Truths You Need To Know
You may imagine that, as a yoga teacher, my practice is always zen, floaty and beautiful. Let me tell you, it’s not! Sometimes it’s messy, angry and distracted. There are days when I have no focus, can’t balance, feel weedy, my inner critic is yelling, my mat too damn slippy! The first truth of yoga is this…
What’s Your Intention?
We always set an intention at the beginning of our class as it gives our practice meaning and purpose, almost like setting scaffolding around it. You’ll also sometimes hear it called a sankalpa…