Four Ways To Optimise Immunity

Whilst our immune sysyem is our first line of defence against viruses and bacteria, it's also intrinsically linked to other aspects of our health such as sleep, mood, energy, digestion, recovery, reproductive health and more.

Food, exercise, sleep and supplements can all support our immunity, so here are four tips for giving your immune system a helping hand.

  1. Optimise Food

    What and how we eat can have a very real effect on our immune system. It’s all about finding balance between reducing the foods that suppress immunity and increasing those that support it. Good gut health is crucial, so keeping your gut biome is healthy and well fed is essential. Eat a wide variety of colourful fruit and vegetables - in the colder months cooked food is easier for the body to digest than raw, so focus on soups and casseroles. Incorporate fermented foods like kefir, apple cider vinegar, saurkraut, miso and sourdough bread. Add in herbs and spices - ginger, turmeric, garlic, cayenne and cumin all have proven benefits for the immune system. Cut down on sugar and alcohol as both are proven immune system depressants. Having said that, the occasional piece of dark chocolate or glass of red wine can help support your immune system.

  2. Optimise Movement

    Without question, exercise improves immunity, but hitting the right balance between too little and too much for your body is key. Be mindful, listen in - your body has its own innate wisdom and will let you know if you need to move around more or less. Yoga has proven benefits for the immune system so do hit the mat regularly. Restorative yoga is especially beneficial in the winter as it helps lower cortisol levels, activates your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and engenders good quality sleep.

  3. Optimise Rest

    Feeling under the weather? Take a break, go for a walk or do a gentle yoga class rather than your usual dynamic one. You can get the benefits of sleep with actually sleeping by meditating of practising Yoga Nidra. Use the search bar in the Library or click on Breathe & Meditate to find both. You can also read how to get good quality sleep here.

  4. Optimise Supplements

    I swear by Vitamin D in the darker winter months as it’s essential for strong immunity, hormone balance and helps to keep your mood lifted. I favour the spray over the capsule style supplements - this one is my go to. Zinc is another of my regular supplements. I’m no expert but I’m told that Zinc Piccolinate is better absorbed by the body than other kinds.


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