Five Low Lift Ways To Lift A Low Mood

I do my utmost to avoid the news but sometimes world events can leave me feeling a bit rocked or unstable. 

We can’t control what goes on on the outside world, but we can control some things within our own inside world.

Here are my five low-lift (and research based) go-to’s to lift my mood and help improve my emotional outlook.

Prioritise Sleep

I know, so obvious, but often hard to do. The bottom line is that getting consistent sleep is absolutely crucial both for physical and mental health. Commit to a baseline bedtime, banish tech from your bedroom, minimise stimulants before you tuck in, and rest up. 

Get Moving

The best thing for boosting my mental health has always been getting out of my brain (it’s busy in there!) and into my body. 15-minutes of fresh air and a brisk walk can work wonders. Need a reset? Get out and move. 

Soak in Some Nature

Nothing gives an instant sense of perspective like feeling very, very small amidst the backdrop of the natural world. You don’t have to swim in the ocean or hike up a mountain to feel the benefits. Just unplug and fully engage your senses, even if that just means staring at the clouds for a few minutes or listening to the chirping birds overhead. Inhale. Exhale. 

Plan Your Meals

I can tend to reach for the easy (and not necessarily healthy!) food option when feeling stressed or anxious. Instead, aim to prep or plan meals and snacks the day before. Focus on fuel foods that help keep you focused and energised throughout your day. I always feel better when I eat lean protein and lots of fresh produce - even though my instinct is to eat a family sized bag of Jelly Babies😳 

Focus on the Things You Can Control 

If you are a recovering control enthusiast like me it can be useful to focus on the things you can control - especially when the current news cycle just makes you want to curl up and weep. 

On my list: 

  • My attitude, mindset and actions 

  • How I spend my time 

  • How I care for my home

  • What foods I consume 

  • Who I choose to spend time with 

  • What I read, watch, and listen to 

  • Who I choose to give my attention to

  • How I spend, donate, or invest my money 

  • How I treat myself 

  • How I treat others 

Making this list and choosing to focus on the many things I can control always helps me get out of a mental spiral. 

What about you? What helps you feel more grounded when things feel off-kilter? 


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