60 Life Lessons I’ve Learned In 60 Years

I turned 60 last month and although it didn't quite go to plan, I had a lot of time to think about what I've accomplished, life lessons learned and those I'm still learning! It was good to look back, take stock and look forward and think about how I want life to look in the coming decade. I've lived a very full life with many ups and downs. So with that in mind and in no particular order, here are 60 life lessons I've learned in 60 years.

  1. Trust your gut - your inner wisdom is always right.

  2. Care less about what people think - they are much less interested in what you do than you realise!

  3. Have fun - have you ever done a core values exercise? One of my enduring values is FUN. I know it’s a cliché but life is short, so I want to have maximum fun.

  4. A glass of water cures more than you think - sometimes I get really stressy and want to turn my life upside down when actually all I need to do is sit down quietly and have a glass of water.

  5. Expensive skincare is a waste of money - I have it on authority from Mr L’Oreal himself. There are only two things that work: barrier cream (i.e. any moisturiser) and surgery!

  6. Choose experiences over things - this is one I’m still working on as I LOVE beautiful things. BUT I’m getting better at choosing to make memories over purchasing stuff I don’t need.

  7. Yoga makes you feel good - nuff said.

  8. Be honest but kind - It’s better in the long run.

  9. Shots are never a good idea - really, NEVER.

  10. An early night is always a good idea.

  11. Be more you - for years I moulded my personality according to who I was with. Just be yourself.

  12. Find your tribe - hold them close and don’t let them go.

  13. Wear the flippin’ shorts - for years I wouldn’t wear shorts (I had a thing about my legs). How stupid - who looks and who even cares?! I’m going to wear shorts forever to make up for lost time.

  14. Wear comfortable pants - the wrong pants can honestly ruin your day.

  15. Always pack a party dress - you never know….

  16. Flap your wings and float on - after a fight ducks float off in opposite directions. Then they flap their wings vigorously to get rid of the negative energy and float on peacefully, as if nothing had happened. Be more duck. Flap your wings, let go of the stories you’re telling yourself, and return to the only place of power: the present moment.

  17. Look less at your phone and more at the sky - reading the latest miserable headlines and scrolling envy inducing images does little for our happiness. Research shows the more you look at your phone, the less you smile. Fewer smiles = less human connection. Less human interaction = less happiness. Put it away.

  18. Look after your body - do more yoga, walk everywhere, eat well - I want my body to take me on adventures till I’m in my 90s.

  19. You don’t have to respond straightaway - those texts, emails, calls? They can usually wait.

  20. Keep learning - staying interested means being more interesting.

  21. It’s OK to change your mind - you don’t have to think/look/do things the same way forever. Change is growth.

  22. People are not mind readers - you want something? Tell them!

  23. When in doubt do nothing - the answer will eventually become clear.

  24. Keep it simple - less choice = less stressful.

  25. I can do difficult things - being a single parent, navigating difficult relationships, setting up numerous businesses. You don’t know what you’re capable of until you do it.

  26. Failure = feedback - there’s no such thing as failure, only learning.

  27. Put yourself on your to-do list - nourish yourself, take time out, schedule a solo weekend away - do whatever you need to recharge.

  28. Diets don’t work - listen to your body and eat intuitively.

  29. THINK before you speak - is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Kind, Necessary? If not then zip it.

  30. Love your face and your body - in ten years’ time it’ll be the one you’ll wish you still had.

  31. Forgive - holding a grudge does you more harm than them.

  32. I have enough, I am enough, I do enough - repeat and believe.

  33. Ageing is a privilege - not everyone has the good luck to be as old as you.

  34. Don’t overschedule - spontaneity is where the magic happens.

  35. Get outside - time in the natural world makes everything better.

  36. Plough your own furrow - or in the words of Fleetwood Mac ‘go your own way’.

  37. Say yes - you might surprise yourself!

  38. But also know when to say no…click here for nice ways to say no.

  39. Soften - on and off your mat.

  40. Travel as much as possible - but always be happy to come home.

  41. Don’t let fear steer - be bold and jump in!

  42. Dance - put on your red shoes and dance the blues…

  43. Control what’s controllable and let the rest go. Hint: things you can control - what time you go to bed, how you make your tea, putting your phone in aeroplane mode, kindness to yourself and strangers…

  44. It’s never too late to do what you want to do. I began my yoga teacher training in my early 40’s. In my 60’s I plan to give up teaching yoga and become a pole dancer (just checking you’re still reading!).

  45. Little of real interest happens after 2am - I was always the last man standing at a party. Now I realise it’s safe to leave when I’ve had enough. Nothing that exiting will happen.

  46. Laugh a lot - giggle, chuckle, howl, guffaw, snort, snicker, whoop, chortle, titter - even the words for laughter make you want to laugh 😂

  47. That you care about people isn’t enough - the important thing is how you show it. Be bold, don’t hold back.

  48. Eat plenty of berries. No brainer.

  49. Today is always the perfect day - don’t wait for a better day to open the bottle of wine, wear the fancy dress, take the trip, or do anything else you’ve been putting off. Do it now.

  50. You are powerful - if you have a talent, a voice, a platform or any kind of power don’t hide your light under a bushel, get it out and shine it. USE IT to help others.

  51. Pay attention to the yellow flags - act before you get into red flag territory.

  52. It’s okay to outgrow people and things. We all change. No need for a dramatic breakup. Just move on.

  53. You never know what people are going through - give them the benefit of the doubt.

  54. Look forward more and behind less - with the benefit of wisdom and experience of course.

  55. Cut yourself some slack - we’re all our own worst critics. Kick that inner mean girl into touch. We’re all doing great.

  56. Don’t forget to rest - Have a social media svasana. Go for a walk without your phone. Get to bed early. We need to rest to show up in the world at our best.

  57. Kindness matters - small acts of kindness have a hugely positive impact on other people and on your own happiness. It doesn’t take much to be kind.

  58. This too shall pass - whatever causes pain, stress or worry won’t last forever. Time heals. Things change. It will pass.

  59. Choose your thoughts carefully - “Watch your thoughts - they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” - Lao Tzu.

  60. Perfection is boring - as a recovering perfectionist I’ve decided that good enough is PRETTY BLOODY GOOD.


My August Read, Watch, Listen List


Time Is Precious