You Are The Sky, Everything Else Is Just The Weather

I was reminded last week of this quote by Pema Chodron. She is a Buddhist nun, teacher of meditation and author of many wonderful books including Living Beautifully: With Uncertainty and Change.

The start of this year has been many things for many of us - tough, stressful, anxious, testing, exhausting and overwhelming are some that come to mind.

It's important to remember that we are this great blue sky that the weather rolls through, within and around. Sometimes it's too cold, sometimes too hot. Sometimes there's a flood, sometimes a drought. And sometimes it's just right. The ideal temperature, the most perfect golden sunshine, the lightest of breezes. But we know that this too will change.

And also know this: our hearts are so big that we have the space to hold ALL of it - the tenderness and the tough times, the love and sadness, the strength and the vulnerability, the forgiveness and generosity and kindness - all at the same time. WE are stronger, more resilient and more adaptable that we ever imagined we could be.

Use your yoga mat as a place to decompress, to get high quality stress free self care time. To check the weather inside and let it roll through you.


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