How To Do More Of What You Love
The worst of winter is over and the spring energy is rising, which means that we're getting restless to get out and get going!
Busier lives mean that it can harder to find time do more of what you love. So I'd like to share one simple practice that helps me prioritise the things (and people) I most care about…automation. Read on to find out how.
Identify Your Priorities
What do you want to prioritise, to invest your time and energy in? Consider the following areas:
Heath & Wellness
Relationships & Family
Career & Finances
Personal Growth & Spirituality
Fun & Friendships
Jot down some things you’d like to integrate into your life. It can be something small, like taking five minutes to breathe before you jump out of bed, or a bigger commitment - like planning regular gatherings with friends.
On my list:
More laid back suppers with friends
Monthly creative writing sessions
Intentional dates with my husband (I’m great at making time to see my girlfriends, him not so much 😬😬)
2. Harness The Power Of Automation!
For each item on your list, consider how you can automate or ‘bake it in’ to your schedule so it simply becomes part of your routine. Here’s how I do it:
More laid back suppers with friends - I’ve blocked out one Saturday night each month and have made a list of people I’d love to see. Pot luck suppers, where everyone brings a dish, keep it fun, simple and stress free.
Monthly creative writing session - I’ve scheduled in one Tuesday morning each month to take myself to the V&A (making use of my membership 😉) and settle in at the Members’ Room with my journal and a pack of Prompt Cards. I’ll pick a card and commit to writing for an hour minimum.
Intentional dates - I’ve blocked off one Friday evening each month and have created a list of low key, local dates that we can use on rotation to make it easy and effortless.
3. Let Automation Do The Heavy Lifting
Once you’ve identified what you most want to do, use automation - calendars, reminders, recurring reservations or a simple standing agreement - to remove decision fatigue and make these priorities effortless. The more you systemise, the less stress and planning you need, freeing you up to enjoy the things (and people) you love most. Here are five simple ways to automate your life:
Health & Wellness - prioritise movement/yoga by scheduling it in as a non-negotiable part of your weekly routine.
Relationships & Family - set up standing calls, check ins or meet ups with family to ensure you’re nurturing important relationships.
Career & Finances - automate bill payments, savings and investments to create extra financial security without decision making stress.
Personal Growth & Spirituality - establish a regular slot for reading, journalling, meditation or a class that fuels your personal growth.
Fun & Friendships - schedule non-negotiable regular time to spend with your loved ones; when you see them book the next date in there and then.
What’s one part of your life you can simplify and automate? What are you already doing successfully? Let me know!