Affirmations For Transformation

The word affirmation stems from the Latin word affirmare, meaning “to make steady, strengthen.” When we repeatedly recite a phrase to ourselves, we’re actively changing the thoughts we want our minds think.

Affirmation is a great way to effect change, which is why we often use them in class - especially in restorative practices when our mind is particularly receptive.

The keys to creating the most effective affirmations are:

  1. Present tense - in effect the state/change that we want is already happening.

  2. Positive i.e. ‘I am secure’ vs ‘I am no longer insecure’.

  3. Simple and consistent

Here are some examples of affirmations for strength, power and transformation:

  • I am strong

  • I am courageous

  • I am determined

  • I am powerful

  • I am creating transformation

  • I am making positive change

  • I am moving forward

  • My power comes from within

  • I set healthy boundaries

  • I say no when I need to

  • I say yes when I want to

  • I take responsibility for my choices

  • I reclaim my power

  • My willpower is strong

  • I am resilient

  • I radiate positive energy and power

  • Joy flows freely to me

  • I am inspired and motivated

  • I am successful and fulfilled in all that is meaningful to me

  • I follow my passion and my purpose

Try picking just one and recite it several times a day - out loud if you can, in your head if you’re in a public place! Do it first thing in the morning, last thing at night, sitting in traffic, standing in line at the supermarket or when you feel nervous/anxious/low mood/worried or any other emotion that you’d like to shift. Stick with the practice and you’ll begin to see and feel real change.

Let me know how you get on!


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