Seven Ways To Say No

I was chatting with friends at the weekend and the topic of people pleasing came up. A suprising number of us find it hard to set guilt-free boundaries. We say 'yes' to things we'd rather not do.

So here, in a nutshell, are Seven Ways To Say No:

- I'll get back to you
- ___ doesn't work for me
- I don't like ___
- I'm not able to ___
- I can't help this time
- I've changed my mind
- I need to reschedule

I was also reminded by Tribe member Sophie of a great podcast with Emma Reed Turrell on people pleasing, click here to listen.

Emma has also written a book Please Yourself, How To Stop People Pleasing & Transform The Way You Live.

Are you a people pleaser? How do you set boundaries and say no?


My Alternative To Do List


How To Feel Better