9 Things You Need To Hear Today

I find so much great inspiration on Instagram and recently started following @wetheurban for their uplifting posts. One format they repeat regularly is Nine Things You Need To Hear Today.

So I’ve pinched their excellent idea and am offering my own version to you…

  1. You are beautiful. You are enough.

  2. Be intentional with your time, energy, habits.

  3. Focus on what you can control, let go of what you can’t.

  4. Being true to yourself is more important than being popular.

  5. It’s OK to say NO. It’s also OK to say YES.

  6. You can do difficult things.

  7. Let go and move forward.

  8. You’ve come a long way. Give yourself credit.

  9. Keep good company. You’re the sum of those with whom you spend the most time.

What would you add?


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