Welcome to my journal. My aim is to inspire, inform and guide you to live with intention. I love to share information and hope my musings on life, yoga, wellbeing and everything else will brighten your day, make you think, create a positive habit or spark some new ideas…
Affirmations For Transformation
The word affirmation stems from the Latin word affirmare, meaning “to make steady, strengthen.” When we repeatedly recite a phrase to ourselves, we’re actively changing the thoughts we want our minds think. Affirmation is a great way to effect change, which is why we often use them in class - especially in restorative practices when our mind is particularly receptive. The keys to creating the most effective affirmations are….
Four Ways To Optimise Immunity
Whilst our immune sysyem is our first line of defence against viruses and bacteria, it's also intrinsically linked to other aspects of our health such as sleep, mood, energy, digestion, recovery, reproductive health and more. Food, exercise, sleep and supplements can all support our immunity, so here are four tips for giving your immune system a helping hand.
Autumn Equinox Rituals
Over the centuries, the Equinoxes have been celebrated as special, potent - even holy. Monument have been erected, pilgrimages made. Feasts and celebrations held, rituals performed to help us align with the energies of the new season.
Here are six ways to help you embrace the seasonal shift.
What’s So Special About 108?
If you’re a seasoned yogi, you’ll have heard mention of the number 108. But what it so special about it? To be honest it depends who you ask and you could probably make a list of 108 reasons why this number has been revered for thousands of years. Here’s a handful to give you food for thought….
My Alternative To Do List
I used to be the queen of getting stuff done. Back when I was juggling four children with running a business and a home, my days had to be organised like a military manoeuvre. Now that the kids have flown the coup my life naturally has more space. And my To-Do List has evolved into something more of a To-Be List. Here, in no particular order, is what’s on it right now….
Seven Ways To Say No
I was chatting with friends at the weekend and the topic of people pleasing came up. A suprising number of us find it hard to set guilt-free boundaries - we say 'yes' to things we'd rather not do. So here, in a nutshell, are Seven Ways To Say No…
How To Feel Better
Feeling emotional, distracted or anxious? Honestly, you’re not alone. The world feels heavy right now. The combination of global pandemic, climate crisis and the heartbreak of this war, makes it hard not to feel a sense of despair, anger or even paralysis. How can you take care of yourself and others in these challenging times?
What’s Your WOTY?
If you’ve been with me for a while, then you’ll know that every year I choose a word - one that’ll help me stay focused on whatever my bigger picture is. Previous words have included…
Simple Christmas Sanity Savers
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a recovering perfectionist. Yes, I am that mother who let their kids decorate the tree and then rearranged it as soon as they were in bed. Last Christmas I had plenty of time to reflect from my Covid isolation bed and remember the reason for season. It’s not about crazy spending or making your festive decorating Instagram-worthy. Christmas is about…
9 Things You Need To Hear Today
I find so much great inspiration on Instagram and recently started following @wetheurban for their uplifting posts. One format they repeat regularly is Nine Things You Need To Hear Today. So I’ve pinched their excellent idea and am offering my own version to you…
8 Secrets To A (Fairly) Fulfilled Life
The advice we don't want to hear is often the advice we need. I saw this sketchnote by @scriberian on Instagram and it resonated with me. I especially like 'The capacity to tolerate minor discomfort is a superpower', read on to discover the other seven!
5 Top Tips For Sticking To New Habits
To me, Autumn has always felt like a better time than January to bring in fresh, healthier habits after the (albeit lovely) casual eating, drinking and laid back sociability of summer.Speaking of new habits, deciding what you want to do is the easy bit - the tough part is sticking to them! Read on to discover my tips on how to stick to positive habits that ANYONE (yes I'm looking at you!) can use….
My August Read, Watch, Listen List
August is a time to reboot and relax. Here’s what’s on my read, watch, listen list this month…
60 Life Lessons I’ve Learned In 60 Years
I turned 60 last month and although it didn't quite go to plan, I had a lot of time to think about what I've accomplished, life lessons learned and those I'm still learning! It was good to look back, take stock and look forward and think about how I want life to look in the coming decade. I've lived a very full life with many ups and downs. So with that in mind and in no particular order, here are 60 life lessons I've learned in 60 years.
Time Is Precious
Sometimes life sends us a wake up call and we are reminded - once again - of the fleeting, precious and vulnerable nature of our existence. This reading by Danna Faulds sums this up perfectly.
Break Free From The Busy Bandwagon
As we rumble back towards soon to be busier lives, how can we break free from the busy bandwagon and prioritise what holds real meaning and joy for us, whilst also leaving room for spontaneity and rest? It's a question I've been pondering and here's what I've found works for me....
My Go-To Breakfast & Foolproof Granola Recipe
Call me a creature of habit, but I’ve eaten the exact same breakfast every day since for the last fifteen months. It started with a smoothie bowl at the Little Ganesha cafe in Goa, one mouthful and I was hooked!
7 Ways To Improve Your Online Practice
What you practise on the mat has such a knock on effect in all areas of your life. It helps you be kinder to yourself (and also to others!) and to shift your energy and attention to what’s important. Living with intention is a game changer.
So how can you make your online practice a non-negotiable, nourishing and fulfilling experience?
My Self Care Golden Ticket
Certain simple, consistent practices are my golden ticket to emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.
Here’s what I’m filling myself up with daily for those times when I need some inner back up…
I’m Feeling A Bit Weird…
As lockdown slowly starts to lift I'm incredibly excited. Yes to meeting more than one friend at a time. A big yes to eating somewhere other than my own house. And hell yeah to getting further outside my postcode than I can walk. This is all thrilling….