Autumn Equinox Rituals

Regardless of where you live, the Equinox is one of two days per year when the hours of night equal the hours of day. 

Here in the Northern hemisphere, the September Equinox is associated with with the start of autumn - the time of harvest and transition. For the next six months, the days grow shorter.

Over the centuries, the Equinoxes have been celebrated as special, potent - even holy. Monument have been erected, pilgrimages made. Feasts and celebrations held, rituals performed to help us align with the energies of the new season.

Here are six ways to help you embrace the seasonal shift.

  1. Decorate your home to celebrate the season - use apples, pine cones, branches of autumn leaves.

  2. Re-calibrate inside and out. Declutter, donate or recycle anything that feels like extra weight.

  3. Clear the energy. Give your home a thorough clean to sweep away any staleness and enter the new season afresh.

  4. Immerse yourself in nature. Get outside to your favourite space, be it land, sea or sky.

  5. Restore mental equilibrium. Do yoga. Meditate. Journal.

  6. Celebrate your personal harvest. Whatever it is you’ve been working on or bringing to fruition this year share it with friends. Celebrate your works-in-progress and how far you’ve come.

Happy Equinox!


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