My Alternative To Do List

I used to be the queen of getting stuff done. Back when I was juggling four children with running a business and a home, my days had to be organised like a military manoeuvre.

Now that the kids have flown the coup my life naturally has more space. And my To-Do List has evolved into something more of a To-Be List. Here, in no particular order, is what’s on it right now:

  1. Stop comparing self to others. You aren’t privy to the whole picture. Nothing is ever quite what it seems.

  2. Drink plenty of water.

  3. Get to bed early. Lack of sleep is a joy thief.

  4. Yes yes there are are non-negotiables around work/family/home but make time for yoga. It’s good for your head and your heart - not to mention your butt.

  5. Minimise the manmade energy influences - social media/screens/headphones/caffeine. Maximise the natural ones - sun/rain/trees/rivers/fields/sand/sky. Walk daily.

  6. Forgive. Even the really impossible ones….(so hard)

  7. Dance, hug and smile in plentiful quantities.

  8. Give the benefit of the doubt. You have no idea what’s going on in someone’s life.

  9. Congratulations on not shopping for clothes. Keep it up.

  10. It’s OK to have a short to-do list. Chill out.


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