7 Ways To Improve Your Online Practice

What you practise on the mat has such a knock on effect in all areas of your life. It helps you be kinder to yourself (and also to others!) and to shift your energy and attention to what’s important. Living with intention is a game changer.

So how can you make your online practice a non-negotiable, nourishing and fulfilling experience?

  1. Choose the right platform - there’s a lot of online yoga out there and it’s not all created equal. Personally, I find too much choice overwhelming. I just want to know that whichever class I choose, it’s going to hit the spot. My online offering is more exclusive boutique than supermarket. If you’re looking for consistently high quality inspirational classes I’m your girl.

  2. Schedule it in - whether you’re doing a Livestream class or catching up online, put it in your diary. I’m a big believer that writing stuff down makes it happen. Make your yoga a non-negotiable priority. Tell those who share your home to give you uninterrupted time for your practice.

  3. Create a practice space - OK do yoga make up free, with dirty hair, in your pyjamas or however pleases you, but find a clean, quiet space away from the laundry pile that you can make your regular spot. If this just isn’t possible, then keep all your yoga goodies together so you can create the same set up on-the-go. Take time to light a candle, make the temperature right, set out your mat and your props. Doing yoga in a lovely space will enhance your time on the mat.

  4. Invest The Right Kit - are you still making do with pillows and cushions instead of a bolster for your restorative practice? Using someone’s cast off old yoga mat? Good kit is not expensive and is a sound investment as it will last for years. Find my yoga props recommendations here.

  5. Disconnect to connect! - of course I get that you’ll be using your magical little device to practise on, but you MUST turn off your notifications and turn on “do not disturb” mode to be able to fully disconnect. You wouldn’t bring your phone into a live class, the same applies online.

  6. Build in breathing space - get on your mat 5 minutes before your online class is due to start. This allows you to fully land and begin your practice in the best headspace.

  7. Use your support system - sometimes we need extra encouragement or accountability to get us on the mat (me included!). If you usually practise alone online, consider trying one of the Livestream classes. A little bit of community support goes an awfully long way. It doesn’t need to be every week - even popping in occasionally will help make your practice more consistent, sociable and meaningful. And I’d love to see your beautiful face!


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