Is This Difficult For You?

We practice Svasana at the end of every class. Lying down, palms turned up, eyes closed, body relaxed, watching our breath rising and falling.

In today’s busy and anxious world, the best litmus test for our health (and our immunity) isn’t about how deep our splits are or how long we can stand on our heads, but rather how much we can simply lay on the floor and relax.

Svasana — undoing, unwinding, letting go — is one of the hardest yoga poses to nail. Yup that's right, we need to learn to lie down and rest.

Svasana is not about zoning out, it's about zoning in. It's about integration. The poses we do in class are like the ingredients for a cake. Svasana is when we get to bake the cake and make a delicious mindset.

It's the most important pose you'll ever practice. Why? Because the more we can relax, the more we can let go. The more we can let go, the more we can let in.When we release the tension blocking our hearts we become more permeable to the greatest force there is, LOVE. We can then show up as our highest vibrational selves.

With all the upheaval that 2020 has thrown our way, clearly the Universe is shouting at us all to slow down. To let rest become our new badge of honour. It helps us to become wiser, stronger and to love more.

Does Svasana come easily to you?


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