What’s Your Intention?

We always set an intention at the beginning of our class as it gives our practice meaning and purpose, almost like setting scaffolding around it. You'll also sometimes hear it called a sankalpa. Sankalpa is a Buddhist term meaning a short phrase or sentence, clearly and concisely expressed, using the same wording each time, to bring about a positive change in your life.

Your intention or sankalpa can be whatever you want it to be. It can be the same each time you step onto your mat, or different. It’s up to you. All you need to do is focus your mind, connect to your most heartfelt desire and channel your energy within.

Ask yourself, what do I want? How do I want to feel? Create your sankalpa as a statement of fact. Remember to KISS - Keep It Short and Simple, use only positive words and present tense.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. I am present

  2. I am strong

  3. I am grounded

  4. I am calm

  5. I am financially free

  6. I choose peace

  7. I am loving and loved

  8. I am compassion

  9. I choose ease and flow

  10. I find joy in life

  11. I communicate with clarity

  12. I am content

  13. I have enough

  14. I listen to my body

  15. I find new potential everyday

  16. I believe in myself

  17. I am clear about my priorities

  18. I appreciate my body for all it does

  19. I treat myself with love and compassion

  20. I respect myself

  21. I have teachers to guide me

  22. I love my life

  23. I am creating change

  24. I listen before acting

  25. I am confident

  26. I have what I need

  27. I let go

  28. I am open to receive

  29. I believe in myself

  30. I have power

  31. I am motivated

  32. I listen to my inner wisdom

  33. I focus on my breathing

  34. I am patient

  35. I live according to my values

  36. I am free to change my life

  37. I am here to learn

  38. I rest when I need to

  39. I am capable of meeting my own needs

  40. I set and maintain healthy boundaries

What's your intention today?


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