One Day I Want To Look Like This

So tomorrow sees me start my 60th revolution around the sun (just to be clear, that means I'll be 59 - it's not the real big one just yet!). And, in the words of David Byrne, I do indeed ask myself, 'Well, how did I get here'? The numbers stack up: 25 different homes, 21 years of practicing yoga, 16 years teaching yoga, 4 major career changes, 2 marriages, 6 cats, 4 children, 1 dog....

I have to say that 59 years of being in this body feels good. It's taken time but over the years I've learned to love it. I'm wise enough now to know that how my body feels and moves is much more important than the way it looks. I'm happy to embrace this body that's had four children, a heart that's held pain and passion, a mind that's growing wiser and a spirit that's becoming freer with every day. I prize the wrinkles and the droopy bits that express my life experience.

When yoga entered my life it was the real turning point and it continues to be my constant compass. What a wonderful gift this practice is and how happy I am to be able to share it with you.

Thank you to all of you who show up in my life. It's been a rich experience so far and I'm excited for the times ahead. Looking forward laughing together with you in the years to come like these beautiful women above.


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