My Top 10 Spiritual Reads

Gosh this was a tough one - let’s hope I never get asked to go on Desert Island Discs! I’ve been reading spiritual books for around 25 years now and so there are many amazing ones I’ve read that didn’t make the final cut here. 

I know that some people resist ‘self help’ books like the plague, but I’m honestly such a huge fan of them. Why would you not want to do your utmost to live your best life? We only get one shot at it, so it might as well be as good as you can get. 

So here, in no particular order, is my current top ten - the ones that never fail to uplift, inspire and encourage me to live my life like I mean it!

1. The Untethered Soul, Michael A Singer - this book had a profound effect on me. It’ll transform your relationship with yourself and with those around you. 

2. The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle - the classic guide to living in the present moment.

3. The Happiness Project, Gretchen Ruben - I love Gretchen! She’s entertaining, thought provoking and very readable. Her first book combines ancient wisdom, current scientific research and lessons from popular culture about how to be happier. Better Than Before, about breaking and making habits is also a great read.

4. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Deepak Chopra - I think I’ve read pretty much everything by Deepak and this is an oldie but a goodie. Chopra teaches that ‘today is the youth of our old age’ and offers practical steps to control the way we age and maximise your body’s miraculous capability to renew itself minute by minute. 

5. The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse, Debbie Ford - I love a personal development course! This programme is designed to clear out the negative thoughts and feelings patterns that accumulate and adversely affect our behaviour and decisions. 

6. Self Knowledge, The School of Life - anything by The School of Life is worth reading in my book. This slim little tome is an essay on how to understand our characters properly so we can make better decisions and figure out what our priorities and potential might be. 

7. The Power of Less, Leo Babauta - pre-dating Marie Kondo, this little handbook of simplicity shows us how to live better with less and understand that, while we can’t have everything we want, we can obtain anything we need. 

8. Loving What Is, Byron Katie - OK so you need to first get past the fact that her name is back to front. And then you need to read with an open mind. When you get to the bit called The Work, you need to actually do it. Then you’ll see what I’m talking about. 

9. Living Beautifully: With Uncertainty and Change, Pema Chodron - this book coiled not be more relevant to the times we’re living in right now. Learn how to live happily, even in confusing and uncertain situations.  

10. Mary Oliver, New and Selected Poems - or in fact any book of hers. Her poems are sustaining, natural, beautiful and help us to see the wonder in the world. We could all do with a bit more Mary.

I'm always open to any recommendations! What are your personal faves?


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