Welcome to my journal. My aim is to inspire, inform and guide you to live with intention. I love to share information and hope my musings on life, yoga, wellbeing and everything else will brighten your day, make you think, create a positive habit or spark some new ideas…

yoga Suzie Shpaizer yoga Suzie Shpaizer

Is This Difficult For You?

In today’s busy and anxious world, the best litmus test for our health (and our immunity) isn’t about how deep our splits are or how long we can stand on our heads, but rather how much we can simply lay on the floor and relax…

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lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer

Why The Sheep?

There's a saying that goes something like this: if we all gathered around and threw our problems into a big pile and were then told to grab some back, those we'd choose would most likely be our own…

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lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer

Which One Are You?

I love a personality test - my personal fave being one of the best known The Myers-Briggs 16 Personalities Test. It considers 16 different psychological preferences including introversion or extraversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving - and converts them into personality types...

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wellbeing, yoga Suzie Shpaizer wellbeing, yoga Suzie Shpaizer

Have You Got The Wrong Idea?

Gratitude. Joy. Love. Peace. It's easy to assume that yoga is always meant to be a feel-good experience that guides us to inner bliss, to an eternally unruffled, untroubled disposition. But it's naive to think that yoga is all unicorns and rainbows…

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wellbeing, yoga Suzie Shpaizer wellbeing, yoga Suzie Shpaizer

Are You On This Rollercoaster?

Wow! It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride for me these last few weeks. Some days I feel bright as a button, full of energy and ready to roll. Other days - seemingly out of nowhere - I simply want to get back into bed, pull the duvet over my head and stay there. Are you feeling that too? We all need super simple tools that we can pull out..

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lifestyle, yoga Suzie Shpaizer lifestyle, yoga Suzie Shpaizer

My Top 10 Spiritual Reads

Gosh this was a tough one – let’s hope I never get asked to go on Desert Island Discs! I’ve been reading spiritual books for around 25 years now so here, in no particular order, is my current top ten – the ones that never fail to uplift, inspire and encourage me to live my life like I mean it!

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yoga, lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer yoga, lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer

Maximalist Or Minimalist?

I've always been an avid reader and frequently have multiple books on the go - see the small selection above (and that doesn't include the pile next to my bed!). I'm always reading a novel, but if it's not gripping me then there'll be at least one more I've got going at the same time…

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wellbeing, lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer wellbeing, lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer

Do You Need A Social Media Svasana?

Some days, perhaps even today, we may feel our lives are not exactly as we would wish them to be - and we can often rely on social media to make us feel worse. Our inboxes and social media feeds are full of images of places we’ll never visit, bodies we’ll never have, objects we’ll never own and experiences we will never share - sleek sunlit yachts, six pack abs, smiling selfies…

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yoga Suzie Shpaizer yoga Suzie Shpaizer

Why Yoga Is So Damn Good For Your Brain

Freedom of movement keeps you feeling young! Much of the juicy goodness of yoga comes from basic increased flexibility of muscles and loosening of connective tissue around the joints – and you can get that from a really simple practice…

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wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer

You Are What You Think

What we think often comes out of our mouth and into someone else's ears. Our words impact how we feel and sometimes how others think and feel. They're how we share our fears, sorrow, joy, love and dreams…

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wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer

How To Get Better ZZZZ’s

Like most of us, sleep evades me when I’m under stress, the time I need it the most. A global pandemic, dramatic change in circumstances, health scares, exam results – there’s plenty going on right now that can get in the way of a good night’s kip…

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wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer

Get Some Headspace

I’ve been meditating for over 20 years so I’m in the habit of simply sitting and watching my thoughts come and go, but in recent weeks this has been harder than usual to manage. When I need something more to focus on, I use a brilliant free app…

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wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer

Why I’m Like My Dog

I've realised I'm very like my dog. She constantly rushes from one thing to another - 'oooh a squirrel to chase, oh a bird, hang on another dog to play with, that stream looks inviting' - and on it goes. While I don't chase squirrels or jump in streams at the drop of a hat, like her I'm easily distracted. We both have 'shiny new object syndrome'…

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yoga Suzie Shpaizer yoga Suzie Shpaizer

Eight Yoga Truths You Need To Know

You may imagine that, as a yoga teacher, my practice is always zen, floaty and beautiful. Let me tell you, it’s not! Sometimes it’s messy, angry and distracted. There are days when I have no focus, can’t balance, feel weedy, my inner critic is yelling, my mat too damn slippy! The first truth of yoga is this…

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wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer

Is Positive Thinking Good For You?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m an optimist by nature, I know I’m incredibly lucky and I do count my blessings. But all too often I hear the platitude ‘think positive’ being rolled out and I wonder, isn’t telling someone to ‘think positive’ sometimes just a polite way of saying shut up and stop whining’?…

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yoga Suzie Shpaizer yoga Suzie Shpaizer

What’s Your Intention?

We always set an intention at the beginning of our class as it gives our practice meaning and purpose, almost like setting scaffolding around it. You’ll also sometimes hear it called a sankalpa…

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lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer

Are Happy Endings Overrated?

I think that happy endings are overrated. What about the happy now? A couple of events late last year woke me up to the fact that the future isn’t guaranteed. Life is meant to be lived now, not in some faraway future…

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