Why I’m Like My Dog

I've realised I'm very like my dog. She constantly rushes from one thing to another - 'oooh a squirrel to chase, oh a bird, hang on another dog to play with, that stream looks inviting' - and on it goes. While I don't chase squirrels or jump in streams at the drop of a hat, like her I'm easily distracted. We both have 'shiny new object syndrome'.

We humans have around 60-80,000 thoughts a day (2,500-3,000 every hour!). We're constantly absorbing images, conversations, ideas, internal murmurings. What with this and the information coming in through our five senses, there's a lot of distraction in every moment. It's easy to get pulled off course. How often have your started your day with an intention for it to go a particular way, only to disappear down a rabbit hole?

I've found a powerful new tool to help me filter all the STUFF that comes into my mind. Like all effective things, it's simple (but not necessarily easy). Stop whatever you’re doing and give it a try now.

Sit and allow your thoughts to enter. As something new comes into your awareness just ask, is this nourishment or distraction? If it's a distraction, take a deep breath and let it go. If it's nourishment take a deep breath and lead it harder to where you want to go with it.

Stay with it for as long as you have time and see where it leads you…


Get Some Headspace


What Nourishes You? How To Get Clarity