Why The Sheep?

There's a saying that goes something like this: if we all gathered around and threw our problems into a big pile and were then told to grab some back, those we'd choose would most likely be our own. I do hope that, whatever this lockdown is throwing at you right now, life feels - at the very least - manageable.

So why the picture of the sheep I hear you ask yourselves? Well they're a key tool in my self care toolbox right now. Read on to find out how these fluffy cuties are keeping me steady and sane in lockdown.

Creating: When I was a kid I was always making stuff - knitting, sewing, crochet. My mind was (still is!) full of ideas. I once even made an outfit by dyeing an old sheet and one of my grandad's shirts. That shirt/skirt combo was a winner and I wore it with pride. So I'm revisiting a childhood passion for crochet and am knitting granny squares to make a blanket with the most gorgeous wool from these adorable sheep above (Blue Faced Kerry Hill sheep from Yorkshire since you ask!). I love that I can create something useful and beautiful whilst binge watching The Queen's Gambit, This Is Us and The Crown...

Listening: OK so I admit I'm rather late to the whole audiobooks party and you've all probably been hanging out there for years but now I am ALL IN! I've been telling myself forever that I can't listen to books, I have to read them but I recently decided to get out of my own way and sign up for Audible. I've started with Matthew McConaughey's Greenlights and I am hooked! There's something wonderful about listening to a book narrated by the writer...

Nourishing: I do my best to try and make sure that there's something lovely in every day. Whether that's a dog walk with a pal, a Christmas bun from Gail's, a solo wander near water, a Zoom session with a faraway friend, a mince pie from Gail's...simple daily pleasures are helping keep me happy and content.

What’s in your self care toolbox?


Is This Difficult For You?


Which One Are You?