Welcome to my journal. My aim is to inspire, inform and guide you to live with intention. I love to share information and hope my musings on life, yoga, wellbeing and everything else will brighten your day, make you think, create a positive habit or spark some new ideas…

lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer

My Summer Bucket List

Creating a summer bucket list is a great way to intentionally map out the specific things you care about doing this summer. I’ve revamped and simplified the old worksheet to a new, simpler - but still super effective - version. Just follow the three simple steps below!

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lifestyle, wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer lifestyle, wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer

Reflections Not Resolutions

My days of setting traditional New Year resolutions are long gone, but I do like to take time to reflect on the past year and get clarity for the year ahead. I enjoy looking back and seeing what worked and what didn't, and then using that to create a reset for any areas that might need shifting or sprucing up. Here are my favourite simple prompts.

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lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer

My Alternative To Do List

I used to be the queen of getting stuff done. Back when I was juggling four children with running a business and a home, my days had to be organised like a military manoeuvre. Now that the kids have flown the coup my life naturally has more space. And my To-Do List has evolved into something more of a To-Be List. Here, in no particular order, is what’s on it right now….

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lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer lifestyle Suzie Shpaizer

What’s Your WOTY?

If you’ve been with me for a while, then you’ll know that every year I choose a word - one that’ll help me stay focused on whatever my bigger picture is. Previous words have included…

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wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer

9 Things You Need To Hear Today

I find so much great inspiration on Instagram and recently started following @wetheurban for their uplifting posts. One format they repeat regularly is Nine Things You Need To Hear Today. So I’ve pinched their excellent idea and am offering my own version to you…

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wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer

8 Secrets To A (Fairly) Fulfilled Life

The advice we don't want to hear is often the advice we need. I saw this sketchnote by @scriberian on Instagram and it resonated with me. I especially like 'The capacity to tolerate minor discomfort is a superpower', read on to discover the other seven!

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