My Summer Bucket List

If you cast your mind back, you might remember the Summer Yoga Kit I made for you some eight years ago. It was a package of yoga classes, breath work, poems and playlists, book suggestions and a worksheet called 'My Dream Summer'. 

I don't know what made it pop into my head, but it got me thinking: 'Why don't I revisit this idea?'. As a compulsive list maker, I have endless notes of places/events/things I want to do/see/visit, BUT I don't actually do as many of them as I’d like.

Creating a summer wish list is a great way to intentionally map out the specific things you care about doing this summer. I’ve revamped and simplified the old worksheet to a new, simpler - but still super effective - version. Just follow the three simple steps below!

  1. Brainstorm

    Set aside some time, get a notebook and a pen and let your imagination roam free. Ask: how can I get the most out of this summer and enjoy the season? It doesn’t need to be complicated, often the simple pleasures are the best. No censorship or editing - just write and write and keep writing until you run out of ideas.

  2. Refine

    Take a look at your long list of ideas and narrow it down to the best and brightest of the bunch. If you’re stuck, ask yourself: what would I really regret not doing this summer? You want your list to feel both exciting and realistic. I narrowed my list down to the following five, which feel fun and doable:

  3. Schedule

    If it’s not scheduled in it’s not happening! I can’t stress this enough, planning and scheduling is the only way you’ll turn your desires and daydreams into reality. Set aside a small block of time to do any necessary research or admin, coordinate with friends and family, and firm up your summer wish list activities in your diary. Remember: the things that get scheduled are the things that get done 😎

I’d love you to share just one thing you be doing to maximise your summer fun. We can all inspire each other!


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