My Go-To Breakfast And Foolproof Granola Recipe

Call me a creature of habit, but I’ve eaten the exact same breakfast every day since for the last fifteen months and I don’t see it changing any time soon. It started with a smoothie bowl at the Little Ganesha cafe in Goa, one mouthful and I was hooked!

It’s nutritious, delicious and healthy. I top it with my own homemade granola - I know I know, it’s all getting a bit much right? But I PROMISE you it’s worth it.

I hope you love it as much as I do.

For the Granola

50g chopped dates, 100g jumbo rolled oats, 85g mixed cashews and pecans, 15g raw pumpkin seeds, 2tps maple syrup, 3 tbs olive oil

Simmer the dates until soft in just enough water to cover, then blend with the oil and maple syrup till smooth. Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl, add the sweet paste and mix to cover. Spread on a lined tray and bake at 160 degrees for 15 minutes. Then reduce the oven to 110 degrees and bake a further 30 minutes until dry and crisp. Store in an airtight container when cool.

I usually make double quantity because it goes so fast in this house!

For the Smoothie (serves 2)

1 chopped banana; 1 heaped tsp of each of the following - raw cacao powder, chia seeds, milled flaxseed, maca powder; 1 heaped tbs good quality sugar free protein powder*; milk of your choice (I use almond milk); raspberries/blueberries/strawberries; raw cacao nibs

Put the banana and all other ingredients (except the berries and cacao nibs) in a Nutribullet (or similar) and cover with the milk. Whizz it up. Pour it over the berries and top with granola and a sprinkle of the cacao nibs. Enjoy!!

*I use Sun Warrior Organic Natural Blend or Pulsin


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The Monthly Roundup - September