Welcome to my journal. My aim is to inspire, inform and guide you to live with intention. I love to share information and hope my musings on life, yoga, wellbeing and everything else will brighten your day, make you think, create a positive habit or spark some new ideas…

wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer

You Are What You Think

What we think often comes out of our mouth and into someone else's ears. Our words impact how we feel and sometimes how others think and feel. They're how we share our fears, sorrow, joy, love and dreams…

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wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer wellbeing Suzie Shpaizer

Why I’m Like My Dog

I've realised I'm very like my dog. She constantly rushes from one thing to another - 'oooh a squirrel to chase, oh a bird, hang on another dog to play with, that stream looks inviting' - and on it goes. While I don't chase squirrels or jump in streams at the drop of a hat, like her I'm easily distracted. We both have 'shiny new object syndrome'…

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