The Monthly Roundup - June

Happy Summer and welcome to the June Love List - here’s a peek at what’s been floating my boat this month.

1 Watching…

Elton John at Glastonbury (on TV from the comfort of my sofa) - what a fabulous swansong this was. It seems impossible that I’ve been listening to and loving his music for more than 50 years. Grab a glass of something good and get comfy for one of the greatest showmen we have seen. (Personal fave = Philadelphia Freedom - it never fails to lift my spirits.)

2 Making…

So in recent years I’ve completely lost any interest in cooking BUT this book has got me back in the kitchen and creating. Having an actual book (as opposed to recipes saved on social media) WITH PICTURES (an essential for me) has been a game changer. Persiana Everyday by Sabrina Ghayour is making me excited about cooking again. Highly recommended.

3 Listening…

On my recent retreat in Lesbos I spent time happily hanging out at Symposion, a very cute coffee/cocktail bar which also sold vinyl and therefore had a rather fabulous and eclectic selection of music. The owner introduced me to Clouds by Gaussian Curve - ambient and atmospheric, I’ve been listening to it while cooking…I’ll leave you to Google what the Gaussian Curve is…

4 Reading…

The Joyful Environmentalist by Isabel Losada. I first came across her around 20 years ago and have always found her books to be inspiring - this one is no exception. Joyful, funny and not at all preachy, Isabel offers a shopping list of simple changes we can all make to take better care of our planet.

What are you loving this month?


The Monthly Roundup - August


The Monthly Roundup - May